A meal or food I really like :)

Hello everyone! I'm going to share with you some of the food I like and I don't like c: One of the foods I really REALLY like is the corn pie, this dish consisting of a paste of corn with a thin layer of sugar that has "Pino" (mixture of ground beef with chopped onion, very delicious) chicken, olive and egg under it. I like a lot this dish, due to the combination of flavors, but unfortunately I can only eat it in summer, because that's corn season:( Other food I like is the squash cream, especially in winter, because it is a hot plate. It consists of ground squash with cream, salt and pepper (or at least that's how I like it). On the other hand, I hate the charquicán, for me the texture and flavor are horrible. Also I don't like the carbonada, because it is almost the same that the charquicán, but without the mashed potato. I'm not the best fed person in the world, but I think I'm someone who can control and enjoy what she eats :D