Why did I choose my major?

When I was a child, I always wanted to be part of the PDI, because I used to like the investigation and the uniforms. Later, when I was 14 years old, I knew the career of nutrition and I loved it, because in that time I used to be nonconforming with my body, so I thought that with that career I could learn about new eating habits and new healthy recipes. Finally, in my last year of school, when I realized that my PSU score would probably not be enough for nutrition, I learned about the career of food engineering, I researched a lot about the career and ended up discovering that I also liked. Even when I realized that my score was enough for nutrition, I decided to apply to food engineering. Now, I'm in my second year and I don't regret my decision, I still have a lot to learn, but I like to imagine myself in the future working this field :) I still don't know which branch I'm going to choose, but so far I like everything that has to do with the creation of new food prod...