A subject that I enjoy studying

It's a bit difficult choose a subject that I enjoy, as I don't have a one that I really really enjoy, but for now I'd like to talk about the subject of "Oral and Written Communication" This subject is responsible for preparing us both vocally and physically to make presentations or talks in front of an audience, also prepares us to realize more attractive and fun Power Points for all types of public or a specific public. I’m a pretty shy person who has a hard time getting his creativity out, so this subject has helped me a lot since they give us tips to relax and feel more calm when facing the public and also give us tips when creating our Power Points to make them much more dynamic. Up to now we have done one job and I like it as each class give us a feedback of what we have done and help us to improve Is a rather interesting subject, because as I said before, it has helped me to overcome my weak points and that's makes me very happy :)